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Tutor Tools

See a 4-minute video about the tutor experience.

If you are a volunteer-in-training, click on these links to complete your homework:

To report your preparation and tutoring hours, use this handy Tutor Time Form.

If your student needs resources to guide them through a crisis, use our Services for Students guide.

Please complete a COVID-19 Health Form before you meet with a student and have your student complete one too. Here is the COVID-19 Health Form in Spanish.

Our COVID-19 Guidelines apply to anyone associated with LVFV.

Photo by Bob Gilmartin Photography

“Thank you for being an excellent teacher with a lot of patience, for making class fun and for believing in me.”

—Adriana M., LVFV student


 Literacy Volunteers Fox Valley • One South Sixth Avenue • St. Charles, IL • 60174 • 630-584-2811